The Deutschland Cup is an annual ice hockey tournament held in Germany in November in which the national teams of various countries take part.
The competition has been organized by the German Ice Hockey Federation since 1987.
In November 2024 I made my national team debut as a director.
The world feed for opening day was produced on behalf of thinXpool TV GmbH
and Magenta Telekom with 13 cameras and one SSL.
The world feed for opening day was produced on behalf of thinXpool TV GmbH
and Magenta Telekom with 13 cameras and one SSL.
A fantastic way to raise visibility for women's ice hockey!
Germany vs. France
Deutschland Cup 2024
(Thinxpool / MagentaSport / November 2024)
Deutschland Cup 2024
(Thinxpool / MagentaSport / November 2024)
13x Cameras - 1x SSL - 2x EVS-Operators